Thirty young people from Puchuncaví initiate the 2024 Preuniversity Program

May 30, 2024

  • The initiative developed by AES Chile with the support of the municipal education department has benefited over 400 young people in its 13 years of existence, who have successfully entered higher education.


On May 24th, the opening ceremony of the "2024 Puchuncaví Pre-university Program" took place, an initiative developed by AES Chile in collaboration with the Municipality of the commune. Thanks to the support of the Pedro de Valdivia Pre-university, 30 fourth-year high school students from Sargento Aldea and General Velásquez Educational Complexes will be prepared free of charge by this educational institution to take the Higher Education Access Test (PAES). 

The program includes leveling and academic training sessions, which, like the previous year, will take place at the General Velásquez school on Fridays and Saturdays. In this way, it is aimed at saving students commuting time, which they can use to reinforce subjects such as language and mathematics.

The initiative, which has had 13 previous versions, has supported more than 400 young people from Puchuncaví in obtaining better scores, enabling them to continue their higher education studies. Many of them are already graduated and practicing their profession in the commune as well.

Luis Marcelo Sepúlveda, Fuel Sub-manager of Central Ventanas at AES Chile, stated that it is an honor to participate in this new version of the initiative. "We firmly believe that education is a fundamental pillar for young people to develop all their dreams and objectives that they are setting for the future."

Sepúlveda also added, "For us, it is always important to support the community through this initiative. We believe that this virtuous triangle that develops between the community, the municipality, and the company always bears good fruit, and this is one of them."

The mayor of Puchuncaví, Marcos Morales, highlighted the relevance of this alliance for the commune and its inhabitants. "Today, there are 30 students from our commune who have the opportunity to start at the Pedro de Valdivia pre-university, which is in Puchuncaví. This is the result of a public-private partnership between the Pedro de Valdivia pre-university, AES Chile, and the municipality, which make it possible for these students to start this dream, this path, to higher education."

The opening ceremony of the program was attended by Mayor Morales, the Director of Municipal Education, Patricia Colarte; the directors of General Velásquez and Sargento Aldea schools, Juan Pedro Figueroa and Cristián Vergara, respectively, and the zonal coordinator of the pre-university, Eduardo Canessa.