Students from Escuela Virquenco visit Campo Lindo wind farm

September 17, 2024

  • The visit was made possible after professionals from AES Chile visited the school during the celebration of Environment Day.

A delegation of 19 people from the educational community of Escuela Virquenco in Los Ángeles visited the facilities of the Campo Lindo Wind Farm of AES Chile. The objective of the activity was to bring 16 students, from 5th to 8th grade, and their teachers closer to the operation of this power generation plant, as well as to make them aware of the importance of renewable energies to advance the energy transition that the country is carrying out.

This visit was made possible after professionals from AES Chile visited the educational establishment last June, as part of the celebration of Environment Month, where an initial connection between the company and the school was established.

The activity at Campo Lindo began with an explanation of the park's safety regulations, followed by an in-depth look at the operation of the wind turbines and a description of their components. Subsequently, the school delegation visited the various facilities on site.

The educators found this instance very valuable as it complements the delivery of content in classes. "It was an extremely enriching visit from a pedagogical point of view, as the environment of the park provided our students with an invaluable opportunity to connect theory with practice, facilitating a deeper understanding of concepts related to renewable energy and environmental sustainability," said teacher Ninoska Avello.

 For his part, the director of Escuela Virquenco, Francisco Salgado, thanked for the invitation and added that "the content covered during the visit is important, even more so when an adaptation was made for those who came - mainly elementary school students - to be able to explain clearly and understandably how energy is produced through a natural resource, such as air." The head of operations of Campo Lindo park, Cristián Olivares, noted that it is always a pleasure to explain to the children, to know their interest in the wind farm and that of the teachers as well. "For everyone, this is something new, and it is very important to give them the space to understand, on-site, what we are doing.

For us, as a company, it is very gratifying to receive these visits and to show how we generate energy." This activity was carried out within the framework of the Open Doors Program, whose purpose is for the community to learn about AES Chile's operations and projects both in the Biobío Region and throughout the country.