Attendees received tools for the development of leadership skills, collaborative work and sustainable vision, thanks to the support of AES Chile and the Municipality of the commune.

Puchuncaví leaders successfully attended the Social Leaders Workshop

December 28, 2023

In order to contribute and positively impact the development of their communities, 12 representatives of territorial organizations from Puchuncaví successfully attended the Social Leaders Workshop, thanks to the support of AES Chile and the municipality.

The activity - carried out by the Technical Training Organization (OTEC) of the Technical Training Center of the Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV) - lasted 40 hours, which were distributed over 10 training days.
Among the tools that the beneficiaries received, the development of leadership skills, collaborative work and sustainable vision stands out.

Representatives from the Municipality of Puchuncaví, from AES Chile, participated in the certification ceremony; the PUCV, along with certified neighbors.

“I want to congratulate the certified social leaders. As a company it is an honor to have worked with them. The municipality has also always been an ally for us, not only in this, but also in other programs,” said the Community Relations Manager of AES Chile, Paola Olivares.

Meanwhile, Álvaro Abarca, in charge of Community Organizations of the Municipality, said that “this course goes hand in hand with the development that we want to achieve under this administration, which is a commune based on virtues. Therefore, preparing leaders in leadership that has to do with sustainability is extremely important.”

The professor in charge of the workshop, Leonardo Comas, said that “the course made it possible to guide a series of community leaders on how to make public-private alliances sustainable, to the extent of the needs that the neighbors have. I think we leave a series of knowledge, but also skills installed in people and their grassroots groups, such as senior citizen clubs, neighborhood associations, APR or parent centers.”

The social leader of La Chocota, Rosa Vega, commented that "we know the problems that plague our community, but this course has given us new perspectives and possibilities to improve our communities with the collaboration of companies."