The Las Newenches Indigenous Association from Santa Fe participated in a cultural exchange with the Lafkenche community in San Pedro de la Paz

May 23, 2024

  • The activity aimed to share knowledge and strengthen Mapuche cultural and recreational practices, such as the game of palín

The Las Newenches Indigenous Association from Santa Fe in Los Ángeles traveled to San Pedro de la Paz to participate in a Trafkintu Kimün, or knowledge exchange, with the Lafken Palife Mapuche association. The event, held at the local indigenous cultural center, was made possible through funding from the Trust Fund, which is part of the Mutual Collaboration Agreement between the San Matías Wind Farm project by AES Chile and local community organizations.

The family-oriented gathering, attended by 38 people including adults, girls, and boys, aimed to reinforce cultural practices and share ancestral knowledge between the two Mapuche communities. Additionally, participants engaged in recreational activities specific to this culture. During the event, a Yeyipun (ritual) was performed to invoke ancestors, seeking their blessings and permission before starting any activity. Subsequently, a typical breakfast was served, followed by a discussion where various elements of Lafkenche Mapuche culture, such as clothing and cultural practices, were explained. Finally, there was a moment of recreation through the game of palín, followed by a communal lunch.

José Ceballos Antipán, president of the Las Newenches Indigenous Association from Santa Fe, expressed gratitude for the support from AES Chile, stating, ‘It helped strengthen the bonds within our association through the Lafkenche cultural experience. The enriching discussion lasted for about two and a half to three hours, during which we played palín without even realizing the time passing. We hadn’t had such an opportunity before due to space constraints, but they had all the necessary equipment: the pali (ball), wooden wiños (sticks), and the playing field. Older peñis (brothers) reminisced about their childhood while playing, and it was an emotional experience.’

Ceballos added that they hope to replicate a similar exchange, ideally with Pehuenche communities, ‘which offers different life experiences because they are in the mountains.’

Meanwhile, Benjamín Rengifo, Head of Territorial Management and Southern Zone Communities at AES Chile, emphasized their satisfaction that this fund allows the Los Ángeles association to share the richness of their experiences and knowledge with the San Pedro de la Paz group. They hope this connection will endure, and they remain committed to developing initiatives that benefit the community.