Inauguration of the restoration works of the Raúl Mavrakis Morales Museum in Mejillones with the presence of President Boric

October 7, 2024

With the presence of the President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric, the municipality of Mejillones inaugurated the restoration works of the "Raúl Mavrakis Morales" museum.

At the ceremony, along with President Boric, were present the Ministers of Public Works, Jessica López, of Mining, Aurora Williams, and of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, Carolina Arredondo, the acting mayor of Mejillones, Aaron Oliveros, from AES Andes, its Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, Mariana Soto, and the manager of the company's Northern Complex, Vanni Boggio, representatives of the municipality, Navy, and civil society.

The restoration of the museum required an investment of 4 billion pesos, which allowed the expansion of spaces for collection deposits, exhibition, and services such as a cafeteria.

Thanks to the collaboration of the Ministry of Public Works and AES Chile, through its Foundation, this work was possible.

The company financed the museum's equipment, which included the manufacture and supply of informational panels and plinths for the support of archaeological pieces. This material will allow visitors to access knowledge of the prehistory, history, natural heritage, and cultural environment of the commune.

President Boric stated that a city, a town is its shared history, and for it not to be forgotten, it must be remembered, there must be the intention to remember it. "I appreciate the opportunity to get closer to the history of this place (Mejillones) which is so important for the history of Chile."

The acting mayor of Mejillones, who, along with thanking "AES Chile, who financed the museographic work that is exhibited to the community," added that the recovery of the museum is the result of joint work with civil society, the public and private sectors, and is a symbol of a commune that is proud of its history but looks determinedly to the future towards sustainable development.

Meanwhile, the director of the "Raúl Mavrakis Morales" museum, Ignacia Álvarez, thanked "the contribution of AES to the organization, as a new museography and refreshing the graphics were required to be in line with this new stage that the museum was starting. This is also very much in line with the efforts made almost 10 years ago, when thanks to AES, the exhibit of the naval battle of Angamos was brought from the National Maritime Museum to Mejillones."

The Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability of AES Andes, Mariana Soto, indicated that "this contribution will significantly improve the services of the main cultural center of the city, representing a great advance in the development of Mejillones and in the preservation of its paleontological and historical wealth."

Soto added that at "AES Andes we believe that preserving the cultural heritage of a region or commune is not only an act of respect towards our history but also a cultural investment for the future of our communities. Each piece, each story, each tradition is a contribution that allows us to keep our collective identity alive."

The Raúl Mavrakis Morales museum is located in the former customs building that was built in 1909. It houses collections of art, archaeology, history, and natural history.


After the inauguration ceremony, the municipality of Mejillones recognized, with the presentation of an award to the Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability of the company, the continuous support of AES Andes to the commune.