The group, which belongs to the Neighborhood Board of Las Trancas in Los Ángeles, was able to acquire new garments such as dresses, jackets, shawls, and hats, among others, thanks to the contribution of the Campo Lindo Wind Farm.

The Folk Group "Brisa Campesina" premieraed new traditional costumes thanks to the support of AES Chile

June 4, 2024

With a session of songs and dances - including tunes, cuecas, and "payas" - the folk group "Brisa Campesina" from the Las Trancas Neighborhood Board community premiered its new
attire, acquired with the support of the Campo Lindo Wind Farm from AES Chile. The purchase of new Chilean folklore costumes for the group members aims to strengthen the
identity of the group. Among the renewed attire are dresses, jackets, shawls, and hats, among others. Representatives of the folk group, the neighborhood board, and the Campo
Lindo Wind Farm team participated in the activity.

Lorena Maldonado, president of the Brisa Campesina folk group, explained that the group was formed ten years ago and currently comprises 11 singers, 5 youths, and 3 children who participate as dancers. Their musical repertoire, which they have presented in gatherings, schools, and other events, includes cuecas, tunes, guarachas, and waltzes. Regarding the
company's contribution to the purchase of clothing, the community leader noted that "it's very good, it makes us look more uniform and everyone liked it. We are all happy with this donation."

Meanwhile, Cristián Olivares, Operations and Maintenance Manager of the Campo Lindo Wind Farm, emphasized that "it was very moving for them to show us their dances and songs as a form of gratitude for the contribution we are making to their community. For us, it was enriching to share with a group that promotes our Chilean music because it makes us feel closer to the community and strengthens our bonds."

The AES Chile representative concluded by stating that "we will continue to contribute to the communities in our area of influence”.