Families in Mulchén use photovoltaic energy in their homes

October 3, 2024

  • The initiative of the Sol de Septiembre Neighborhood Association aims to help neighbors, in a sustainable way, save money on electricity consumption.

The Sol de Septiembre Neighborhood Association of Mulchén continues to fulfill the dreams of its members thanks to the support of the Los Olmos wind farm of AES Chile. On this occasion, thanks to the cooperation agreement that exists between both institutions, the "Photovoltaic Renewable Energies" project was carried out, which consisted of installing solar panels for the 29 families that make up their community.

The objective of this initiative, which consists of 4 batteries, an inverter, and two photovoltaic solar panels, is to help neighbors, in a renewable way, save money on electricity consumption. In the second stage of this project, which will begin in October, three more panels will be installed per house, so that each house will have 5. In this way, each home will have 60% energy independence.

The president of the Sol de Septiembre Neighborhood Association, Carlos Burgos, expressed the importance of developing this type of project in rural areas. "As part of the board of our community, we are very satisfied because we have been achieving our dreams. We set out with our neighbors to carry out this initiative, which we successfully fulfilled thanks to the support of the private sector."

Rubén Barahona, head of Operation and Maintenance of the Mesamávida and Los Olmos Wind Farms, also highlighted the significance of this closure for the company. "We are pleased to see that the completion of a cooperative effort generates a positive impact on the community, promoting sustainable initiatives worthy of being replicated in other rural communities."

Other projects in the area During the year 2022, also thanks to the support of AES Chile, the Sol de Septiembre community installed 150-liter solar thermal equipment for 28 houses.

Carlos Burgos stated that his community was very happy, as "this system provides them with free hot water, thanks to solar energy, in addition to contributing to the environment. Our neighbors have had considerable savings in reducing the purchase of gas for their homes."