This is a second version of the initiative, which seeks to provide new knowledge and techniques about this productive activity.

Beekeepers from Los Angeles began a strengthening plan with support from the San Matías Wind Farm project of AES Chile

January 10, 2024

As a way to continue contributing to the development of the local economy, the San Matías Wind Farm project of AES Chile began to develop a second version of the plan to strengthen beekeeping in the rural sector of Los Angeles.

In November, training and technical advice began - given by a professional - for the local beekeepers in the Porvenir, Sol de Rarinco and Millantú sectors. In the first instance, topics such as the components and management of the hives, their health status and floral environment were addressed, and then a work plan was developed for each beekeeper.

During January, training will be held on hive multiplication methods, their importance and the improvement of productive infrastructure, as well as new access to markets for honey.

The initiative is part of the voluntary environmental commitments that AES Chile acquired with the neighbors close to the wind project, which is currently under construction and will begin operation during 2024.

Cecilia Torres, a beekeeper with 7 years of experience, belonging to the Millantú sector, commented that “one never finishes learning in beekeeping, since new knowledge always appears. This program is a great support for us and for people who want to dedicate themselves to this activity, because many do not know or are afraid of it. I found that there are things that I didn't know and they seem great to me.”

Meanwhile, the head of Territorial Management and Communities in the Southern Zone of AES Chile, Benjamín Rengifo, said that “for us as a company it is essential to support small beekeeping producers in the area. This second stage of the program will bring not only training, but also technical field visits to best advise participants and impact the local economy of the sector."

About San Matías

The San Matías Wind Farm project - which will have an installed capacity of 82 MW - is part of the Greentegra transformational strategy that AES Chile launched in May 2018 and which, along with accelerating the future of energy, seeks to contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change, through the development of renewable solutions