38 projects recognized during the ceremony

AES Chile holds Puchuncaví Competitive Fund “X version” awards ceremony

July 24, 2024

At the House of Culture, AES Chile, together with the Municipality of the commune, held the award ceremony for the “X version” of the Puchuncaví Competitive Fund.

The activity was attended by the benefited social organizations, in addition to the director of the AES Chile Foundation, Paola Olivares, the mayor of Puchuncaví, Marcos Morales, the representative of the AES Chile Center Complex management, Luis Marcelo Sepúlveda, the president of the Union Community of Neighborhood Councils, Marina Cisternas, part of the Board of Directors of the Competitive Fund, Councilor Maryolén Zamora, and representatives of the company, the AES Chile Foundation and the municipality.

The objective of the ceremony was to recognize the award of the 38 projects that will benefit from the more than 186 million pesos delivered by the Fund.

The director of the AES Chile Foundation, Paola Olivares, said, “We are very proud of these 10 years of joint and collaborative work that we have developed with the municipality of Puchuncaví and with the residents of the commune, which have allowed us to support more than 300 social organizations to fulfill their dreams through the projects of the competitive fund.”

Meanwhile, the mayor of Puchuncaví, Marco Morales, congratulated the social leaders who have applied for and obtained these important resources to materialize their projects. “Now we wait for its execution and for this to directly benefit all the residents of the commune,” he said.

The president of the Community Union of Neighborhood Councils of Puchuncaví, Marina Cisternas, said, “It fills me with pride to be at this ceremony and the work that has been done in the preparation of each of the projects. I want to highlight the interest we have had in this 10th version of the awards. The leaders of the territorial and functional organizations have done their best to achieve these results.”

Cisternas thanked the Technical Secretariat, carried out by the AES Chile Foundation team, who during these 10 years have given us the energy to move forward, along with training and guiding us for the final achievement of the projects.

Social organizations are already carrying out the first phase of the initiatives that address six areas:

  • environmental care
  • social development and initiatives that promote culture and protect heritage in the commune
  • support for initiatives to promote health, healthy living and sports in their different disciplines
  • energy and water efficiency
  • community / neighborhood security and
  • entrepreneurship and development of productive activities or services that generate local employment, tourism and that enhance the commune of Puchuncaví.